Here are some money saving tips for property owners and owners of income property. Have anything to add? Let us know.Find vendors you trust.A plumber you can trust is a must! Plumbing is one of those things that tend to be emergencies. Have a number you can call is an easy way to...
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Imagine this- your refrigerator breaks and all your food goes bad… or a pipe breaks and your living room furniture is destroyed… or your car gets broken into and your wallet and phone are stollen. These things happen and thats why its important to protect yourself w...
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The Real Estate Market will be Reshaped by Co-living
By Robert MacGuire Monday, January 2, 2017
Is Co-living the next big thing that will reshape the multi-family real estate market? We examine it’s benefits.How the shared economy will change multi-family real estate starts with the concept of Co-living. It is a style of living that combines individual space with shar...
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As real estate prices continue to rise you maybe be wondering if you should consider investing in real estate here in San Diego. Below we explain why investing in San Diego real estate in such a good idea.We are growing but our land isn’tSan Diego...
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Multifunctional Home Solutions Using Affordable Ikea Furniture
By Robert MacGuire Thursday, July 21, 2016
On our Facebook page we recently linked a video that shows creative ways to make small spaces multifunctional. It got us thinking how else can you update a space, create a new one, or create shared space on a budget? Thankfully Ikea has just the solutions. Check out what we found...
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Summer is officially upon us and that can only mean one thing so is the heat. Here are some tips to keep your home cool and your electricity bill low.Stock-up on summer essentials:Buy fans before they go out of stock.Buy low watt light bulbs or LED for lambs so you don’t ad...
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It can be hard to envision a rental, with its white walls and stark interiors as your own but after making a few of these suggestions we know it will make your rental feel like home.1. Washi Tape Design Series - the ruffle houseYou might be thinking decorating with tape would mak...
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As property managers we understand how hard it can be to Determine a Rental Price for your property. So we came up with some helpful tips.Look at the CompsThe best way to price a rental property is to look for comparable rentals in your area. Real Estate Agents call these comps. ...
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We as a property management company know that good water saving tips are hard to come by. Everyone knows we are in a drought but while shaving minutes from our morning showers might be an easy way to save water we admit that every second under that hot water feels just too good t...
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What You Need to Understand Before Signing a Lease
By Robert MacGuire Sunday, April 17, 2016
Before signing a lease its important to understand what you are signing. Here is a basic break down of a typical residential lease agreement using a California Apartment Association Lease Agreement as reference. The first page of a lease will stipulated some basic structures...
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